Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Monday, 15th August 2022

Coffee Board Park, Kempapura, Hebbala, Bengaluru.

Flag hoisting program, chief guest Nataraj, then some speeches happened in our Coffee Board Park by Kannada Sahitya Parishath Unit of Bytarayanapura..

Children spoke about the importance Independance from British 75 years ago.

Nataraj, Chief Guest spoke in lenght about progress, promises in all area of develeopment of India since Independance. In Agriculture, Infrastructure, Education, Defence, Technology etc had fanstastic achievement that India had. 

Renuka Hegde, President spoke about the Sahitya Parishath Building almost completed with every one's co-operation.

Bachche Gowda thanked everyone.

written Thursday 18th August 2022

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