Saturday, November 21, 2015


Sunday 22nd November2015

Mr Mysore GovindaPrasad, a family friend and a well wisher, for more than 35 years, since Nigeria days. He is now living in Mysore, with his wife NagamaniPrasad. Their only son, TrivikramPrasad lives in Bengaluru with his wife and children.

Mr Prasad, 75+years, takes care of his wife, and is always cheerful and very humorous at his conversation and lively. His positive attitude towards life keeps him healthy and active.
We became close friends when we were working in Gombe, in Nigeria in 1970's and 80's and when he moved to Dubai,U A E in 1985, I also shifted to same place worked together in the same place for many years.
It was a short visit to his residence in Mysore on Tuesday, 17thNovember2015, along with another good family friend UshaSuresh, who also lives in Mysore.
We wish Prasads long and healthy, happy life together.
written Sunday 22November2015

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