Thursday, April 18, 2019


Monday 15th April 2019
Visit to Gadag

It was in the morning about 8.30 we left for Gadag (distance of 52 km) from Hubbali and reached around 10.30 am

The narrow road that leads to the temple is not well maintained and one wonders how such a magnificent temple could be there at that spot. Probably, during the course of time, people inhibited the place

After visiting Trikuteshwara Temple, we proceeded to visit VeeraNarayana Temple. The magnificent was built by Hoysala King Vishnuvardhana around 1127. Lord MahaVishnu is main deity at the temple along with other Gods and Goddesses.

King Vishnuvardhana, after the influence of Ramanujacharya, converted to Shaivaism, sect of Hindu religion become ardent follower of Lord Vishnu.

Kannada poet KumaraVyasa wrote Epic Mahabharatha in this temple with divine inspiration of Lord Narayana (Vishnu). The epic was accomplished at a certain pillar in the hall.

The main entrance "MahaDwara", and the tower known as "Gopura" resembles VijayaNagara Model.
The oufit on the deity with "Veera Chakra" signifies that it is "Ready for Battle". Lakshmi and Eagle are consort and companion of the deity, by which it is flanked with.

There are also a beautiful "Arali Mara" in the premises, inside the compound, where one feels freshness of the surroundings.

We spent about an hour in the temple complex and proceeded further.

Posted Friday, 19th April 2019

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