Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Thursday, 5th September 2024

Somayajis' Learning Centre, BirthiMane, Bhuvaneshwarinagara,Bengaluru.

It's Fifth September, Day to celebrate Teachers Day.....

All schools celebrate Teachers Day to remember BirthDay of Sri S Radhakrishna, Teacher First, then became President of India.

Here at Somayajis' Learning Centre, with few children, Teachers' Day was celebrated with games for children, distributed chocolates and sweets.

On the lighter side, just for laughs......

Not easy to be a Teacher 

Teacher: ''Construct a sentence using the word "sugar''

Pupil: ''I drank tea this morning.''

Teacher: ''Where is the word sugar.''

Pupil: ''It is already in the tea..!!''

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER: Our topic for today is Photosynthesis. 

TEACHER : Class, what is photosynthesis?

Student: Photosynthesis is our topic for today.

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER : John is climbing a tree to pick some mangoes. (Begin the sentence with 'Mangoes')

Student : Mangoes, John is coming to pick you...

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER : What do you call mosquitoes in your language?

Student: We don't call them, they come on their own...

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER : Name the nation, people hate most

Student: Exami-nation...

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER : How can we keep our school clean?

Student: By staying at home...

Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!

TEACHER : One day our country will be corruption free. What tense is that??

Student: Future impossible tense...

Dedicated to all naughty ex-students…….

Happy Teacher's Day.....

God Bless

Posted 6/9/2024

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