Saturday, September 28, 2024



written by 

3rd standard child of 8 years age.........

Grandparents are 

a lady and a man who have no little children of their own.  

They always like other people's children also.

They live at the airport from where we need to pick them up and later drop back too.

A grandfather is a man, and a grandmother is a lady! 

Grandparents like to shop at D -mart.

They are always old people.

It is good when they bring lollipops and home made  sweets.

When they take us for walks, they are always slow.

They talk to us about Geeta and Gods. 🇮🇳

They don't say bad words, like my brother.

Usually they drink  tea or coffee in the morning.

They wear glasses and funny underwear. 

They can take their teeth out for brushing. 

They need a stick or a chair with wheels

Grandparents are smart. 

Grand ma always makes tastier food than Mom. 

Grand pa tells us stories that are better than Harry Potter.

Grandparents don't fight like Mom and Dad 🤭

Everybody should try to have a grandmother and a grandfather.

They say prayers with us and kiss us.

Grandpa is the smartest man on earth but still forgets his glasses all over the house!

From WhatsApp , Posted 29/9/2024

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