This is about us, who are 60/70 years and above. Youngsters may not read as they may feel highly envious of us* -
Wow !!!What a journey it has been!!
We should be proud......
Best Era Ever; Best ever generation
Born in ....................40s/50s /
Grew up in ..............50s/60s
Educated in ...........60s/70s/
Ventured out in ......70s/80s
Stabilised a bit in....2000s
Got a bit wiser in.....2010s
Made it to .............2022 oooph!
We have lived in .....
EIGHT Different Decades
TWO Different Centuries
TWO Different Millennials
We have been through...
Phonebooth, Pager, Beeper, Thuraya/Satellite phone, Mobile phone to latest Smart phone -
Used Radio, Transistor radios, Black & White TV, TV with glass shell screen (From big one with shutter door) to compact TV, flat screen, to Smart TV.
Gramophone player, Tape recorder, Betamax/VHS Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), Walkman, Cassette player, Cartridge player, YouTube to Wireless Streaming.
Handwritten letters , Typewriter (Popular brand of Remington, Imperial, Oliver, Olivetti, Underwood, Halda), Dictaphone, Pitman Stenography as shorthand to Electric Typewriter, Electronic typewriter (Brother, golf ball, typewheel), Telegrams, Teleprinters (Telex), Fax Machine to eMail WhatsApp, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram.
Money Orders, Postal Orders, Hundi, Bankers Cheque, Travellers Cheques, DD to
NEFT, RTGS, PayTM, Google Pay, etc.
Comptometer, Facit machine
Basic computers (20 MB Hard disk drive to 2 TB) to latest laptop, 5.25 inch to 3.5 inch floppy disk to CD disk to PenDrive to Laptops , tablets and I pads
And ...
thank God, we missed the Spanish Flu
Got through the plague
and on time for Corona.. Ah!
Some of us were hippies and yuppies.
We looked good in bell bottoms and turn-ups, went through pencils "drainpipes"
Followed best hygiene, enjoyed nature in it's best, loved animals, endless
Walk, cycled, rode drove, went on train, on sea🛳️, played in the streets with dust, mud, waded through water, scuba,snorkelling,went underwater sea walks,
hung in the air , surfed flew & now awaiting the Elon Musk SpaceX to Moon!!!
Wow !!!
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What a Life it's been Yes, we also went through many more... like:
Typically, we can be termed as "Xennials"....
a "cross-over generation" of people whose birth yrs were in the 40s/50s ....
had an analogue childhood, a digital adulthood, and now a 'SeenAll ager👨🏻🦯'
Literally....our generation has lived through, witnessed so much n more in every dimension of life...
This is our generation that
has given a new paradigm
to the word "CHANGE"
We thank God for this wonderful, meaningful, amazing rollercoaster life ...
We went through our 20s & crossed over our 30s, 40s, 50s & 60s, holding each other's hands with fun & frolic...
Best Wishes, my dear friends, to all of you who are from the golden era that was, that is, that will be ~ none such as ours
Let us continue to live our lives to the fullest, one day at a time.
From WhatsApp, posted 28/8/2022