Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 Wednesdahy, March 8, 2023

Poornaprajna Vidyapeeth, Bengaluru.

Rajeshwara Holla & Hemalatha Holla, been our family friend from our Dubai years.

He is now back from Dubai and re-located in Mangalore.

He invited relatives, friends and well-wishers for pooja, with Pavamana Homa, Mrutyanjaya Homa and Gana Homa and feast.

Their daughter Sitara with her husband and kid Nayan, living and working in USA, are on holidays and son Kartik also working in USA, here for celebrations.

After Pooja, Homa and Magalarathi, VAAYANA DAANA were given to elderly Ladies.

Grand Lunch followed with Holige, Mysore Paak, and Halwa with usual items.

Socialization and photos followed, with bye for now.

written 9/3/2023

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