Thursday, January 19, 2023


 Tuesday, 27th December 2023


Brahmavara Sugar Factory (Aalemane), which is by the side of National Highway, had been stagnat for many years, is now re-started buying sugarcane  from farmers and is preparing pure organic jaggery and selling it to public.

The jaggery is prepared without adding any chemicals and directly sold to the consumers.

President and director of the administrative committee of Brahmavar Sugar factory  Sri Suprasada Shetty, took the decision of encouraging the sugarcane growers in the primary stage itself. They purchased the sugarcane for a good price and constructed the Aalemane on January 18.

The factory has the capacity to grind 15 tonnes of sugarcane per day. At present five tonnes of sugarcane is being ground, which produces 450 kg of jaggery. Consumers buy this organic jaggery directly from the factory. Baikady Suprasad Shetty says that the demand is increasing day by day.

Earlier high yield sugarcane seeds were brought from Mandya and distributed to local farmers in order to revive the sugar factory. The seeds were distributed in December 2018 and farmers planted the sugarcane. But the factory did not start. Farmers did not even come forward to sell the sugarcane that was produced. Then sugarcane grinding started in Shanadi and Hunsemakki. This gave the farmers relief to a certain extent. However, it was the dream of sugarcane growers that the work of encouraging them should happen under the control of sugar factory. That is why the new administrative committee initiated the process of encouraging the farmers who grow sugarcane by buying their produce. It started buying the sugarcane at a price of Rs 2,800 per tonne. This was lauded by the farmers also.

Good quality of jaggery without any adulteration and use of chemicals is available to consumers in this factory. This Aalemane is attracting tourists also as it is by the side of the highway. On the whole the initiative of the sugar factory is appreciated by the farming community.

We were in our Native place (Ooru), Birthi, Salekeri, visited the factory and were very happy.

Posted 20/1/2023

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