Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Thursday, 26th January 2023

Seva Sadana, Malleshwara, Bengaluru.

A beautiful Mythalogical Kannada Drama with Dances were presented by Ranga Ratha Team.

The story is from Post Valmiki Ramayana, where two Kraunch Birds, a male and female, when they were in their intimate position was shot by a hunter. The male bird dies and the female curses the male.

The story continues with Rama and Sita. Rama. after returning from vanavasa, becomes King od Ayodhya.

One day he heard by washerman that, Sita, in the captivity of Ravana in Lanka, might have lost her chastity to Ravana.

With this stigma (Tarnished imgae), Rama orders Lakshmana to Pregnant Sita to be taken to forest, and leaves her in Valmiki Ashrama.

When Rama struggles from lonliness and decides to call her back, she refuses and goes in to BhooDevi (Earth).

The presentation, dances, dialogues, lighting, stage setting are all excellent.

Congratulations to new team, and wish you all the best.

Posted 27/1/2023

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