Monday, July 3, 2023


 Monday, July3, 2023

Chikkaballapura, Bengaluru.

A huge, 112 foot Adi Yogi (Maha Shiva) statue was instituted by Isha Foundation, owned by Sadguru (Jaggi Vasudev) at Chikkaballapur, in 2023 , a distance of 60 km from Bengaluru.

We were there on  a short visit along with Usha, Suresh Cukkemane. family friends for many years,  who came from Mysuru. 

The place is surrounded by hills all around, at a lush Nandi Hills settings.

It is going to be transformed in to a fine tourist place, as lot of people are visiting, though the roads and the surroundings are yet to take shape.

Parking is far from the statue and the centre but we manage to request the security to drive almost near the centre.

We went round the statue of Adi Yogi, a massive structure, wind blowing.

The face of MahaShiva (AdiYogi) so peaceful, serene and exude peace and tranquility.

After about an hour, we left from the place and drove to Nandi Upachar on the wayback for lunch.

Returned home by 4 pm

Posted 4/7/2023


  1. A nice drive. Whole surroundings are yet to turn as beautiful tourist place as mentioned in the article.
    Good write up
