Friday, June 9, 2023


 ॥ Heart Attack ॥

3000 years ago in our country India there was a great sage. His name was Maharishi Vagvat ji, he had written a book named Ashtang Hrudayam and in this book he had written 7000 formulas to cure diseases, this is one of them.

Vagvat ji writes that whenever the heart is getting attacked, that means blockage is starting to happen in the tubes of the heart. So it means that acidity has increased in the blood. You understand acidity. There are two types of acidity:

One is the acidity of the stomach and the other is the acidity of the blood. When the acidity in your stomach increases, you will say that you are feeling a burning sensation in the stomach with sour breath.

Water is coming out of the mouth and if this acidity increases further, then there will be hyperacidity and when this acidity of the stomach increases, when it comes into the blood, then there is blood acidity and when acidity increases in the blood, it Acidic blood is not able to pass through the tubes of the heart and causes blockage in the tubes, only then heart attack occurs, without this, heart attack does not happen and this is the biggest truth of Ayurveda, which no doctor tells you, because its treatment is the easiest. Is.

What is the treatment?

Vagvat ji writes that when acidity has increased in the blood, then you should use such things which are alkaline.

You know there are two types of things acidic and alkaline.

Now What happens if Acid and Alkaline are mixed? Everyone knows that neutral is.

So Vagvat ji writes that if the acidity of the blood has increased, then eat alkaline things, then the acidity of the blood will become neutral and if the acidity in the blood becomes neutral, then there is no possibility of heart attack in life. This is the whole story.

Now you will ask what are the things which are alkaline and should we eat?

There are many such things in your kitchen which are alkaline, if you eat them, you will never get a heart attack and if you have had one, it will not happen again

We all know that what is the most alkaline thing and all are easily available at home, it is Lauki which is also known as Dudhi.

In English it is called bottle gourd which you eat as a vegetable. There is nothing more alkaline than this. So you drink gourd juice every day or eat raw gourd.

Vagvat ji says that bottle gourd has the maximum power to reduce the acidity of the blood, so you should consume bottle gourd juice.

How much to consume?

Drink 200 to 300 mg daily.

When to drink:

You can drink it in the morning on an empty stomach (after going to the toilet) or after half an hour of breakfast.

You can make this gourd juice more alkaline, put 7 to 10 leaves of Tulsi in it. Tulsi is very alkaline, with it you can add 7 to 10 leaves of mint, mint is also very alkaline, along with it you must add black salt or rock salt, it is also very alkaline.

But remember, add only black or rock salt, never add other iodized salt, this iodized salt is acidic, so you must consume this gourd juice, it will cure all your heart blockage in a period of 2 to 3 months.

You will start seeing a lot of effect on the 21st day itself. You will not need any operation. It will be treated at home by our Ayurveda of India and your precious body and lakhs of rupees will be saved from the operation.

Sanatan Dharma is the best

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