Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 Sunday, 2nd June 2024

Le Meridian Hotel, Gurgaon, Delhi.

After breakfast, reltives, guests arrived at the wedding space of the hotel. 

The place was well decorated with flowers and buntings.

The bride was ushered with flower umbrella and groom enters in a motorCycle.

The wedding couple exchanged the garlands in front of Elders and guests.

The purohith from Arya Samaja,  conducted the wedding procedure systematically, with Kanyadaana, SapthaPadi. Mangalya Dharane and showing Arundathi Star.

The ceremony follwoed by Grand Buffeette Lunch with so many vareities, north and south indian Menu, with Ice cream and Gulab Jamoon.

Posted 5/6/2024

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